The 7 steps of a successful diet for runners

The best way to manage Azure Health Keto weight for endurance performance is to follow the rules set by the fastest athletes on a professional level!

This article is from the book Azure Health Keto Racing Weight by Matt Fitzgerald, a renowned coach for runners with specially designed weight management programs.

Having spent countless hours Azure Health Keto on the nutrition of elite athletes, he has identified 7 variables that play a key role in the performance of athletes!

Step 1: Increase the quality of your diet

After graduating from the Azure Health Keto University of Wisconsin in 2007, five-time NCAA Champion Chris Kolinsky moved to Portland to run professionally for Nike.

He decided not to adopt a diet with Azure Health Keto a "label" (egg vegan, gluten free, etc.), but to increase the quality of the food he consumes. As a result, he lost several kilos but also increased his performance dramatically, setting an all-American record in the 10,000m in 2010

Increasing the quality of your diet brings Azure Health Keto you one step closer to the optimal road weight. This means increasing the consumption of 6 categories such as fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts, good quality meat and fish, fiber as well as whole grains. In addition, chase away foods high in fat, sweets and fried foods.

Step 2: Manage your appetite

At the height of his training for the Ironman Azure Health Keto World Championships each year, triathlon legend Peter Reid did not keep food in his kitchen so as not to be tempted to overeat. It was an extreme measure, but Reid knew that his ideal racing weight was 75 to 

76 kg (or 3-5 kg ​​below normal weight in Azure Health Keto a normal season) and he knew he could not reach his racing weight if he gave in completely to his appetite. It is difficult to disagree with the results: Three wins and three second places in Kona from 1998 to 2004.

Research by Brian Wan sink, author of Azure Health Keto Mindless Eating and others, has shown that most people "mechanically" eat more food than they need, unless they take conscious steps to control what is around them and eat more carefully. These measures do not have to involve removing all the food from your kitchen, but they may involve removing all the low-quality temptations and replacing today's dishes with smaller dishes in which you serve slightly smaller portions.

Step 3: Balance between food sources

The best runners in the world come from Azure Health Keto Kenya and Ethiopia. The diet of the average runner from East Africa is 76% with 78% carbohydrates. Compare it to the diet of the average American runner, which contains only 48% carbohydrates. Research that began throughout the 1960s has consistently shown that a high-carbohydrate diet supports intensive endurance training. Unfortunately, the low crab diet craze in the late 1990s and early 2000s has cast a long shadow, with older athletes consuming fewer carbohydrates to support their workouts properly.

Step 4: Check yourself

When Bradley Wiggins won the Tour de Azure Health Keto France in 2012 he weighed 72 kg and had 4% body fat. Four years earlier, when he won his last Olympic gold medal as a cyclist, Wiggins weighed 82 pounds and his body fat was a little higher. His weight loss was a major factor in the Tour de France triumph and he achieved weight loss in part by constantly controlling his weight and body composition.

In business there is an expression: "What is measured can be managed". If you are trying to lose weight and reduce body fat, it is worthwhile to measure these things regularly. Professionals do, and research has shown that dieters who weigh themselves often lose more weight than those who avoid scales. I recommend all endurance athletes weigh themselves at least once a week and use a body fat scale like Tania Ironman to calculate their body fat percentage every four weeks.

Step 5: Synchronize your diet

A big man who once weighed 91 kg, the professional athlete of TJ Tollakson Tollakson remains slim, paying for daily energy consumption according to the saying "eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar".

When it comes to weight management, when Azure Health Keto you eat is almost as important as what you eat. The most important times of the day for eating are in the morning and within an hour after training, because the calories consumed during these times are less likely to be stored as fat and more likely to be incorporated into muscle tissue and used for immediate energy needs. .

Step 6: Train for the competitive weight

Almost all professional endurance athletes train with the so-called Lydiard method, which involves high intensity training, about 80% at low intensity, 10% at moderate intensity and 10% at high intensity.

While a low-volume, high-intensity approach to training has gained popularity among endurance athletes of an age group recently, it is not the most effective way to train for endurance performance or achieve a lean body composition. The research provides clear support for the Lydiard method, which is used almost universally by top athletes.

Obviously, few age groups have the time, energy or stamina to train like professionals, but that is not the issue. The point is to maintain a workout volume that is close to your personal limit and maintain a low intensity for 4 out of every 5 workouts. If you do this, you will burn a lot more calories and gain more aerobic capacity than you could possibly, doing the small amount of training you can handle if you give an extra boost to most workouts.

When it comes to training and eating to achieve optimal racing weight, the best thing to do is do the same thing you do in racing: Follow the professionals!


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